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Oakwood Photo Album
Here are some photographs, old and new, from historic Oakwood Cemetery!
(Photographers or contributers names are in parenthesis)
If you have some favorite photographs of Oakwood Cemetery, please share them with us! We are especially looking for photographs of the cemetery's fountain that once stood near between sections G and C. (See our Cemetery Map)We would also be interested in nature photos of the flora and fauna of Oakwood as well as artistic photos of the grounds. Please contact Tom Cook for more information on how to send photographs. |
Houghton Students "Make A Difference" at Oakwood
October 26, 2013
Fall is always a stressful time for cemeteries as leaves start to pile up. With tight budgets it is always hard to find ways to get the leaves raked and prepare the grounds for the winter snows. This fall we were blessed to have a wonderful group of young women from Houghton College come on "Make a Difference Day". They certainly did make a difference! Despite the cold and windy weather they were able to clear several sections of leaves. What super workers they were! Please find below some photos taken near the end of the long day. Thanks to all the students and Houghton College for all your help! |
We hope to see you again next year! Thanks again! |
Gravestone Repair Workshop
July 10, 2012
The Friends of Nunda Cemeteries and the Oakwood Cemetery Association hosted a Gravestone Repair workshop at Oakwood Cemetery on Tuesday Afternoon, July 10, 2012. The workshop was led by Dick Miller and Marilyn Nolte of the Friends of Mt. Hope Cemetery in Rochester New York. Twenty six participants representing Oakwood and several area cemeteries attended. For more details on the session, please see the Oakwood Cemetery news.

Above: Participants gather around a fallen stone in OC1. The rather large stone had fallen over a few years ago.
Below: The stone belonging to George Whipple has been set back on its base. All done except for cleaning the stone! |
Above: Dick and Marilyn demonstrate one way to level tipped bases. No 2 crusher run is being inserted on top of the old foundation and under the base in order to level it.
Below: A thick marble tablet that had fallen has been inserted into a new base. The collar is used to support the stone while the cement dries. The participants jumped right in to help the workshop leaders. |

Above: These two stones had been toppled by vandals a few years ago. This serves as a "before" photo to the image to the right.
Below: Joan Schumaker, a member of the Friends of Nunda Cemeteries, leads an additional workshop on the proper cleaning of gravestones.
Above: The stones have been lifted with the chain hoist on the aluminum tripod on to the original base and pediment which were preserved. A special epoxy was used to fix the gravestones into their original positions.
Below: Workshop participants finished off the afternoon session by cleaning an 1830s marble stone in OC1. Everyone agree that the session was extremely helpful!
Laying out Blocks 1 & 2 in Section L
October 22, 2011
Trustees Merilee Walker, Joan Schumaker, Bob Piper, Jim McMaster, and Tom Cook tackled the job of lay out the new gravesites in Block 1 & 2 of Section C. The work went smoothly and we had 134 lots marked out in about 1 1/2 hours! We even had enough time to tackle a few repairs.! |
Ancestor's Day at Oakwood
September 2010
The Friends of Nunda Cemeteries, in cooperation with the Oakwood Cemetery Association and the Nunda Historical Society, held its first annual Ancestor's Day at Oakwood in September. |
Decoration Day circa 1913
(Photos Courtesy of the Nunda Historical Society)
Recent Memorial Days
Nunda residents have for over a century commemorated Memorial Day by marching to Oakwood Cemetery. The local VFW and American Legion Posts conduct the ceremonies with the help of the Ladies Auxillary and the Keshequa School Band.
Upper: Memorial Day photographs at Oakwood Cemetery in 2006 (Joan Schumaker); Lower: 2010 Ceremonies. ( Joan Schumaker )